Treadmill or Elliptical, Which is Better for Losing Weight?

Home Fitness Treadmill or Mini Elliptical Machine, which is Better for Losing Weight?

 Choosing the right exercise equipment can make all the difference when it comes to losing weight. Two of the most popular options are treadmills and elliptical machines. Each offers unique benefits and can effectively burn calories and shed pounds. But which one is better for your weight loss goals? In this blog, we’ll compare home fitness treadmills and home mini elliptical machines, backed by current data, and help you decide which is the best fit for your fitness journey.

What Are The Benefits of Using a Home Fitness Treadmill

High-Calorie Burn

One of the main advantages of a home fitness treadmill is its ability to burn a high number of calories. According to Harvard Health, a person weighing 155 pounds can burn approximately 372 calories in 30 minutes of running at a moderate pace on a treadmill. Increasing the speed or incline can boost calorie burn even further, making treadmills highly effective for weight loss.


Home Exercise treadmills offer versatility in workouts. You can walk, jog, run, or even perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This variety helps keep your workouts interesting and challenging, which is crucial for long-term adherence to a fitness routine.

Bone Health

Running or walking on a home fitness treadmill is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it helps strengthen your bones. This can be particularly beneficial for preventing osteoporosis and improving overall bone health.

Easy to Use

Home Exercise treadmills are user-friendly and require minimal setup. Simply step on, set your speed, and start moving. This simplicity makes them accessible to people of all fitness levels.

What Are The Benefits of Using an Mini Elliptical Machine

Low-Impact Exercise

One of the standout benefits of an mini elliptical machine is its low-impact nature. According to the Mayo Clinic, elliptical machines are gentler on your joints compared to running on a treadmill. This makes them an excellent option for people with joint issues, arthritis, or those recovering from injuries.

Full-Body Workout

Elliptical machines engage both the upper and lower body. The handles allow you to work your arms while your legs move in a natural, elliptical motion. This dual-action workout helps tone more muscles and can lead to a higher overall calorie burn.

Variety and Customization

Modern elliptical machines, like the Tousains Mini Elliptical Machine, come with various resistance levels and pre-set programs. These features allow you to customize your workout intensity and target different muscle groups.

Reduced Perceived Exertion

Many users find that workouts on an elliptical machine feel easier than they actually are. This phenomenon, known as reduced perceived exertion, can help you work out for longer periods without feeling as fatigued, ultimately leading to more calories burned.

Treadmill or Elliptica, Which is Better for Losing Weight?

Comparing Calorie Burn

When it comes to pure calorie burn, treadmills often have a slight edge, especially if you run or perform high-intensity workouts. However, elliptical machines are not far behind. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that individuals working out on an elliptical machine burned roughly the same number of calories as those running on a treadmill, provided they exerted a similar level of effort.

Weight Loss

Both treadmills and elliptical machines can help you lose weight. The key is to choose the one that you enjoy and will use consistently. Treadmills might be better for those who prefer running or enjoy varying their speed and incline. Elliptical machines are ideal for those who need a low-impact workout or want to engage both the upper and lower body simultaneously.

Joint Health

If you have concerns about joint health or are prone to injuries, the elliptical machine might be the better option. Its low-impact nature reduces the risk of joint pain and injuries, allowing for a safer and more comfortable workout.

Muscle Engagement

For those looking to tone and strengthen muscles throughout the body, the elliptical machine’s full-body workout can be more beneficial. The treadmill primarily targets the lower body, while the elliptical engages both upper and lower body muscles.


When it comes to losing weight, both treadmills and elliptical machines have their unique advantages. The best choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences, fitness goals, and any physical considerations you might have. Whether you opt for the high-calorie burn and versatility of a treadmill or the low-impact, full-body workout of an elliptical machine, consistency and effort are key.

Explore the range of high-quality fitness equipment from Tousains, including the mini elliptical machine and home fitness treadmill, to find the perfect fit for your weight loss journey. With the right tools and a dedicated mindset, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

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