Scam Alert Warning

Beware of Fake Tousains Websites! Protect yourself from online scams by following these tips:

Check the website address:

  • Legitimate Tousains websites use "https://" in the address bar, indicating a secure connection.

Scrutinize the products:

  • Does the site sell a random assortment of unrelated products? Tousains focuses on specific categories.

Discounts to be skeptical of:

  • Excessively high discounts or offers that seem too good to be true are often red flags.
  • For reference, you can check prices for genuine Tousains products on our official website:

Report Suspicious Sites&Contact Us for Verification:

If you encounter a website that seems suspicious, please report it to us! We appreciate your help in keeping our customers safe. Unsure about the legitimacy of a Tousains offer? Don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support team. Email us at: